About Assured Views
This manual is in pilot operation.
When data for a certain period is entered or changed, what impact does it have on data for subsequent periods? The desirable answer is "none." However, when considering "Views," we need to define more precisely what "none" means.
Take sales revenue as an example. We start with a situation where no data exists. The initial state of the data is as follows (assuming the fiscal year starts in January).

Entering the sales revenue for January changes the state of the data as follows. Note that the values for February and subsequent months are "unaffected."

Now, let’s see how the annual cumulative value of sales revenue is affected before and after the entry.

Changing the data for January from 0 to 100 has also changed the numbers for subsequent months. Since the cumulative value for February = value for January + value for February, and if the value for January is changed and the value for February is "unaffected," then it’s natural for the cumulative value for February to be affected.
Considering various cases about such impacts on subsequent periods, we find the following rules:
Over a single fiscal year, changing the numbers for a certain period can only leave the numbers for subsequent periods unchanged for one view.
Which view to choose for this purpose is arbitrary.
In fusion_place, this "view unaffected by changes in preceding periods' numbers" is called the "Assured View."
Which view should be chosen as the assured view may vary depending on the scenario. For example, in budget and actual management operations, it might be convenient to enter monthly values for the budget and annual cumulative values for actuals. In this case, you would choose "Monthly" as the assured view for the "Budget" scenario and "Annual Cumulative" for the "Actuals."
Considering such needs, fusion_place allows specifying an assured view for each scenario.