What to Do If You Cannot Launch the Server Management Tool

This manual is in pilot operation.

When trying to launch the server management tool from the Windows Start menu, you may encounter a message like the one below, and the tool may not launch.

Access is denied.

Unable to open the service 'fusion_place'

This indicates that the User Account Control (UAC) technology adopted in Windows Vista and later (Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008) is preventing the server management tool from launching.

To launch the server management tool when this message appears, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the following item (program) in the Start menu.

All Programs  fusion_place premium (or standard) n.n…​  Server Management  s1.fusion_place Server Settings

→ Right-click to display a menu with the option "[Run as administrator(A)…​]".

  1. Left-click the menu item [Run as administrator(A)…​].

→ A dialog box asking for permission to run the program tomcat7w.exe will appear.

  1. Allow the program to run.

→ The "fusion_place server Properties" dialog box will be displayed as usual.

If your user account does not have administrative privileges, you will be prompted to enter administrator credentials during the process.