Ledger edition management of ledger data (DeepL)

designer administrator
This manual is in pilot operation.

Ledger data is managed in "Editions". In addition to the "Public Edition" and "Shared Work Edition" that always exist in any application, the administrator can create arbitrary editions. The user (administrator) may further create arbitrary Editions derived from the existing ones.

"Public" and "Shared Working Editions

Public Editions" and "Shared Working Editions" are always present in any application.

When you want to modify data in the Ledger edition, you can proceed on the shared working edition without affecting the public edition. The public Edition is for reference only. Once you have completed your work in the Shared Work Edition, you can "publish" the contents to the Public Edition.

By using the published and shared Editions, you can work in parallel while keeping data modification and usage tasks well separated to minimize interference.

Ledger edition keys "PUBLIC" and "WORKSPACE" are automatically assigned to the published and shared editions, respectively (the Ledger edition key is a code that allows users to identify the edition).

Publishing Shared Working Edition Data

Once the modification is complete, the shared working Edition data will be available at https://docs.fusionplace.net/manual/ja/op_guides/manager/execution/manage_shared_workspace_edition/publishing _working_edition_data.html[Publish]. Publishing" replaces the contents of the published Edition with the contents of the current Shared Working Edition. The publishing process can be performed on a scenario basis (multiple scenarios can be published together).

Clearing Shared Working Edition Data

When you want to redo a revision, you can clear the shared working Edition data at https://docs.fusionplace.net/manual/ja/op_guides/manager/execution/manage_shared_workspace_edition/ clearing_working_edition_data.html[clear]. Clearing" completely replaces the content of the shared working edition with the content of the current published edition, exactly the opposite of "publishing".

Ledger edition key

An edition can be assigned a "Ledger edition key". The Ledger edition key is a code used to designate an edition; it can be up to 200 characters long and can be any character that can be used in label.

A Ledger edition key is composed of multiple partial keys joined by a period. For example, the following is an example of a Ledger edition key



Note that to include a period in a period-delimited partial key itself, enclose the partial key in single quotes as follows:


Subkeys that do not contain a period are considered the same value whether or not they are enclosed in single quotes. For example, the following two are the same Ledger edition key, although they have different string representations:



When the Ledger edition key is saved, unnecessary single quotes are removed. In the above example, any Ledger edition key would be saved as "FY2015.BUDGETING.20150220".

Reserved Ledger edition key

As with labels, Ledger edition keys that begin with a Sharpie are reserved and cannot be assigned by the administrator. Ledger edition keys "PUBLIC" and "WORKSPACE" are pre-assigned to the Public and Shared Work Editions. These keys do not start with a Sharpie, but are also reserved and cannot be assigned freely by the administrator.

Ledger edition keys can be found at [ browser] and https://docs.fusionplace. net/manual/en/op_guides/excel_link/excel_link_overview.html[[Excel-Link\]] to specify the target Ledger Edition when accessing Ledger data.

Unreserved Ledger edition keys can be deleted or changed. If a Ledger edition key is deleted, then that Ledger edition will be stored in [ browser] or https:// Note that the ledger version will no longer be accessible from docs.fusionplace.net/manual/en/op_guides/excel_link/excel_link_overview.html[[Excel-Link\]] (it will be accessible again when the key is (Assigning the key again will make it accessible).

If you delete the Ledger edition key from one Ledger edition and assign it to a different Ledger edition, you will not be able to access [Browser] or [Excel_link_overview.html[[Excel-Link] from now on. or [Excel-Link]* with that Ledger edition key. the Ledger edition edition to which the key is newly assigned will be accessed.

Access Control for Ledger Editions

Access to Ledger editions can be controlled using permission types. For example, it is possible to limit the Participants that can view or update a shared working Edition. For more information, see . Ledger Editions" and "Ledger Editions" in the text formula.

When using the business process management function, Ledger editions are generated for each Participants in the business process, as described below. See Ledger editions used in business processes and access control. Please refer to the following page.

Ledger editions of business processes

When using Business Process Management, a business process-specific Ledger edition is created. Ledger editions of business processes are of the following two types, each of which is assigned a Ledger edition key in a specific format:

Type of Ledger Edition of Business Process Description Format of Ledger edition key

Root Edition of a business process


One is created for each business process. This is the content of the shared Work Edition when the business process is created (or when "Import Shared Work Edition Data" is executed afterwards).

The prefix "#P" and a business process definition label, fiscal year label, or relative period label are connected by a period.

Example: #P.BUDGETING.FY2014.H1

Workspace Edition for each Participants

A workspace version is created for each business process and for each Participants in the business process. The initial data content is the same as that of the root Edition of the business process, but the data is subsequently updated with the data entered by each Participants.

Note that even within a single Participants (e.g., Department A), there will be different workspace Editions for each business process (e.g., budgeting for the first half of FY2014 and actuals for May 2014).

The business process Participants responsible for finalizing public data will use the "Shared Work Edition/WORKSPACE" as its own workspace, regardless of the above. The workspace version of the business process [work unit responsible for finalizing published data] can use "shared work version/WORKSPACE" as its own workspace regardless of the above. For details, please refer to Business Process Definition section.

Ledger editions of business processes cannot be directly registered or deleted by users. The ledger version of a business process is automatically registered or deleted when the business process is created or deleted.

General Ledger edition

In addition to the above, the administrator can create any Ledger edition. Editions can be created by deriving them from existing editions. The derived editions are not limited to the Public and Shared Work Editions, but can be derived from any existing edition.

All Ledger editions, including the Public and Shared Working Editions, have a tree structure formed by derivation relationships.

The content of each Edition is exactly the same as the original Edition immediately after its creation. The creation process is very fast, because each Edition contains only the difference data from the original version, both in the database and in memory. Even if the original Edition contains a large amount of data, it is not copied.

Uses of "General Ledger Editions"

There are many possible uses for "Other Editions," but here are two examples:

(1) Holding multiple patterns of budget values

When preparing a budget, there may be cases where you want to create multiple versions of the basic plan with slight modifications to the budgeted values of the basic plan. In such cases, the data of the basic proposal can be maintained in a shared working or public version, from which multiple versions can be derived, and modifications can be made on those versions.

(2) Retroactive modifications in the event of changes in calculation standards

If the standard for administrative calculations, for example, the standard for calculating the allocation of common expenses, is changed, it may be necessary to go back in time and redo the process using the changed standard. However, even if the calculations are to be redone, it is often the case that the figures calculated under the previous standard should be retained.

In such cases, a new Edition (let’s call it Edition A) is created, derived from the Edition (either the Public Edition or the Shared Work Edition) that holds the data prior to the change in the standard. This Edition A contains the data processed under the old standard.

On the other hand, in the shared working edition, we go back and redo the processing with the changed criteria and publish the data.

The previously derived Edition A does not reflect the retroactive processing, and the data processed with the old standard remains available for reference at any time.

Restrictions on updating data in the derived Edition

Data in Ledger editions that are derived from other Editions are for reference only (data cannot be written). The reason for this restriction is that updating the data in that Edition will have an unintended effect on the data in all the other Editions from which it is derived (since the Derivation Destination holds only the difference data from the Derivation Source, updating the data in the Derivation Source will, to the user’s eyes, update the data in the Derivation Destination as well). (Since the target holds only the difference data from the source, updating the source data will also update the target data in the eyes of the user). If you want to update the data of a Ledger edition from which another Edition is derived, please create a new Edition with that Edition as the derivation source and update its data.

Publishing "Other Editions

In exactly the same way as with a shared working edition, you can publish the contents of "Other Editions" (to be reflected in the published edition). You can also specify the scenarios to be published. Please note that if you publish an Edition other than the shared working version, the contents of the shared working version will be cleared and will be the same as the contents of the published version (i.e., the contents of the version you published).

Compressing Edition Series

As editions are repeatedly derived, the tree of editions gradually grows larger, and more and more editions are no longer needed. In such cases, the tree of editions can be compressed by deleting the Ledger edition key of the unneeded edition and then compressing the series of editions. The following two conditions must be met for an edition to be deleted by compressing an edition series

  • No Ledger edition key has been assigned (including cases where the once-assigned Ledger edition key has already been deleted), and

  • It is not a branch point in the tree of Ledger editions (i.e., it does not have more than one directly derived edition).

Data from an Edition deleted due to compression will be merged with data from any directly derived Editions that existed at the time prior to compression (or deleted if no derived Editions existed).

Ledger Edition of the submission package.

The "Ledger Edition of the Submission Package" is only available for applications of the workflow type.

The "Submission Package" generated by the Business Process Management function is treated as a pseudo-Ledger edition and assigned a Ledger edition key. By specifying a cell that holds this Ledger edition key when setting the link region of [Excel-Link], the contents of the submission package can be queried.

Ledger edition key for a submission package

The ledger key of a submission package is a prefix “#P” followed by a business process definition label, fiscal year label, relative period label, Participants label, submission package definition label, and a sequential number in the order of submission, joined by a period.

Example: #P.BUDGETING.FY2018.H1.A.SALES.2 [horizontal]. BUDGETING":: Business process definition label FY2018":: fiscal year label H1":: Relative period label A":: Participants label SALES":: Submission package definition label 2":: Sequential number in submission order (this example indicates that this is the second submission package)

Clients that can use the Ledger Edition of the Submission Package

Ledger editions of submission packages can only be queried on [Excel-Link], not on fusion_place [Browser] (they will not appear in the Ledger edition selection).

Access Controls Specific to Ledger Editions of Submission Packages

Ledger editions of the submission package are for reference only. In addition, only the Participants that submitted the Submission Package and the Participants that have accepted or can accept the Submission Package can see the data in the Ledger Edition of the Submission Package. Otherwise, normal ledger access control will be followed.

Notes on data contained in the Ledger edition of the submission package

The Ledger edition of the Submission Package contains only the submitted data*.

Please note that data that can be derived by performing aggregate calculations on dimensions based on the submitted data will not be included in the Ledger edition of the submission package unless the data itself is included in the submitted data. For example, if each expense account is registered as a child member of the expense total in the member tree of the account dimension, then the expense total can be derived from the amount of each expense account. However, if the Submission Package form includes only expense line items but not expense totals, then the expense totals will not be included in the Ledger Edition of the Submission Package. Note that rows and columns that are hidden in the form settings are assumed to be visible for the purposes of this decision. Therefore, the data will be included in the submitted package.

Submitted data is data for keys other than relative period and display format for each of the keys of data displayed on the form in the submission package, which is a combination of all relative periods and all display formats. For example, if the submitted data includes "Sales for the month of June", then it also includes "Total Sales for the month of May" for the same year.

"Hidden Ledger Edition" for scenarios where Ledger Edition Control is not applied ( fusion_place >= 12.1 )

When the attribute "Exclude from Ledger Edition Management" is set for a scenario, Ledger Edition [1]. The scenario data in the scenario in the shared ledger edition is deleted, and the same scenario data in the shared work edition is newly created as a hidden ledger edition as the scenario data common to all ledger editions.

Hidden Ledger edition keys for scenarios for which Ledger edition control is not applied

Ledger edition keys for hidden ledger editions are a prefix "#S" followed by a period between the scenario labels. +S Example: Excluding an actual results scenario (labeled "ACTUAL") from Ledger Edition control

Screens/Functions where Hidden Ledger Editions can be specified

Hidden Ledger Editions can be used (selected or specified) on the following screens/functions that operate the Ledger Edition itself, regardless of the data content of the Ledger Edition.

  • [Manager] "Ledger Update History" screen

  • [Web-API] / [Requester] for the following processes

    • Compression of ledger row data by generation (COMPRESS_LEDGER_LINES)

    • Delete ledger update history (DELETE_LEDGER_HISTORY)

Screens/Functions where Hidden Ledger Edition cannot be specified

Hidden Ledger editions are not displayed on the following screens because there is no need to replace the Ledger edition key, create a derived version, or publish the Ledger edition.

  • "Process Execution > General Ledger Edition Management" screen of [ manager ].

In addition, the following screens/functions that access the data contents of Ledger editions cannot be used (selected or specified).

  • Ledger edition selection fields in [Browser ], etc.

  • [Excel-Link] to specify Ledger edition key

  • [Web-API] / [Requester] for the following processes

    • Importing data using forms (IMPORT_VALUES)

    • Executing calculations using forms (CALCULATE_BY_FORM)

    • Exporting data using forms (EXPORT_VALUES)

    • Publish working Edition data (PUBLISH_EDITION)

1. Pseudo Ledger Editions in the submission package generated by the Business Process Management function will retain their values at the time of submission