What is Requester

This manual is in pilot operation.

Requester is a tool that executes batch processing and periodic tasks involving large amounts of data via the command line. Requester supports the following operations:

Requester Program File

The Requester program file is included in the fusion_place installer zip file. The filename is as follows:

  • n.n represents the version number.

  • The .jar extension indicates that this file contains a Java program.

Requester Execution Environment

Requester does not need to run on the fusion_place server. It can be executed from any computer that can access the fusion_place server via URL[1], [Contributor], [Browser], or [Excel-Link].].

Requester communicates with the fusion_place server using [Web-API]. Since [Web-API] is defined as one of the "Client Programs" in the fusion_place licensing agreement, when running Requester or other programs using [Web-API] simultaneously, each program must use a different user account.

Executing Requester

Requester reads a "Request File," sends processing requests to the fusion_place server, and writes the results to a "Response File." Both files are XML format text files. To execute Requester, enter the following command in the command prompt:

java -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -jar fusion_place-requester-n.n.jar -url http://***/fusionplace -user **** -pass **** -external false < request.xml > response.xml

The details of the command-line parameters used above are explained below.

Parameter Description


Indicates execution of the java.exe program. If java.exe is not set in the PATH environment variable, specify the full path.

-Xms256m -Xmx1024m

Specifies the memory allocation for execution. -Xms is the initial memory allocation, and -Xmx is the maximum. m denotes megabytes. In the example above, the initial memory allocation is 256 MB, and the maximum is 1024 MB (1 GB).

-jar fusion_place-requester-n.n.jar

Specifies the filename of the Requester program to execute, fusion_place-requester-n.n..jar. Replace n.n with the version number.

-url http://*****:****/fusionplace

Specifies the fusion_place server URL. This is the same URL used to connect to the fusion_place server with [Excel-Link] or similar tools.

-user **** -pass ****

Specifies the fusion_place user account name and password. If the username is admin and the password is jugemu, use:

-user admin -pass jugemu

-external false

To execute in External Mode, specify -external true. For Normal Mode, specify -external false. If omitted, the default is Normal Mode. For more details, refer to External Mode.

< request.xml

Specifies the filename of the request file after <. The default filename is request.xml, but any name can be used. If the file is not in the current folder, include the full path.

Requester reads requests from standard input.

> response.xml

Specifies the filename of the response file after >. The default filename is response.xml, but any name can be used. If you want to save the response file in a different folder, include the full path.

Requester writes responses to standard output. Messages displayed during processing are written to standard error output.

In addition to the above parameters, after -jar ****** , the following options can be specified before the request/response parameters:

Option Description

-encoding ****

Specifies the encoding for the response file. Supported values depend on the OS environment but commonly include UTF-8 and Windows-31J (Shift JIS with Windows extensions). For example, to specify Windows-31J, use:

-encoding Windows-31J

If not specified, the encoding defaults to UTF-8.

-lang **

Specifies the language for messages in the response XML. Use ja for Japanese or en for English. For example, to specify English, use:

-lang en

If not specified, the language is determined by the server’s operating system.

This language setting also applies to Export Data Using Forms.

-compression ****

Enables or disables data compression when sending/receiving requests and responses. To enable compression, specify:

-compression true

To disable compression, specify false. The default is true.

-proxy_addr ****

Specifies the hostname and port of a proxy server, separated by :. For example:

-proxy_addr proxy.hoge.com:3128

If not specified, Requester will attempt to use the proxy settings configured in the Windows Control Panel’s "Internet Options".


If the proxy server specified with -proxy_addr is a SOCKS proxy, specify this option. If omitted, the proxy server is assumed to be an HTTP proxy.

-proxy_user ****
-proxy_pass ****

For proxies requiring authentication, specify the username with -proxy_user and the password with -proxy_pass. If the username is user1 and the password is pass1, use:

-proxy_user user1 -proxy_pass pass1


Specifies -help to display descriptions of all available options instead of executing a request.

Requester Exit Codes

When Requester terminates, an "Exit Code" is set. This code is stored in the special variable %ERRORLEVEL% and can be used to modify subsequent processing. The exit codes are as follows:

Exit Code Meaning


Successful completion.


Warning: At least one request resulted in a WARNED status. Other requests were SUCCESSFUL.


Error: At least one request resulted in an ERROR status. Other requests were either SUCCESSFUL or WARNED.


Failure: At least one request resulted in a FAILED status.


Processing Not Possible: Execution failed due to incorrect command options or an inactive server.

Requester and Java Runtime Environment

Requester requires a Java runtime environment. You can install Java separately or use the Java environment included in the fusion_place Runtime Environment (FRE), if installed. To specify the java.exe path, use the following:

(fusion_place < 12.0)

%LocalAppData%\Programs\fusion_place\fusion_place runtime environment (NN-bit)\jreNN\bin\java.exe

(fusion_place >= 12.0)

%LocalAppData%\fusion_place\fusion_place runtime environment (NN-bit)\runtime\bin\java.exe

Replace with the FRE bit version (64 or 32).


This is dynamically replaced with the appropriate folder name when executed from the Windows command line.

FRE is installed per Windows user. To use Java included in the fusion_place runtime environment, log in to Windows with the user account that installed FRE.

1. This refers to a computer that can connect to the fusion_place server using [Manager