Importing and Exporting Participant Authorities

This manual is in pilot operation.

Importing Participant Authorities

Based on the data registered in an Excel sheet (via the clipboard), participant authorities can be added or deleted in bulk. This function is called the "Import Participant Authorities Feature."


Format of Importable Data

The import process involves capturing data from an Excel sheet via the clipboard. Specifically, copy the range containing the configuration details from the Excel sheet to the clipboard, and then import it into the Participant Authorities editing screen. Each item should be written in its column on the sheet.

The format of importable data is detailed below. If it seems unclear, try exporting existing Participant Authorities to an Excel sheet and pasting it. The exported data can be imported as is, following the rules below.

General Rules Regarding Notation

Uppercase and lowercase letters are not distinguished.

Rules Regarding Row Order

The copy range on the Excel sheet starts with one "Header Row" followed by any number of "Detail Rows". Header Rows indicate the meaning of each field in the Detail Rows. Detail Rows represent a single piece of Participant Authorities, i.e., a combination of a participant and a user account, for adding or deleting instructions. Blank Rows can be placed at any position within the copy range and are simply ignored.

Rules regarding the arrangement of header and detail rows are as follows:

  1. The first row (excluding blank rows) within the range must be a header row.

  2. After the header row, any number of "Detail Rows" can be placed. The arrangement of fields in these detail rows must follow the order indicated by the preceding header row.

  3. Within the range, it’s permissible for the header row to appear multiple times.

  4. Detail rows are processed in the order they appear on the sheet.


A command to clear Participant Authorities (delete all "rows" of Participant Authorities registered).

To specify this command, write CLEAR_PARTICIPANT_AUTHS in the first field of the row. There’s no distinction between header and detail rows.


Commands to register and delete Participant Authorities.

Rules Regarding Header Row Content

The header row consists of the fields listed in the table below.

Field Name Required Number of Fields Field Position Specification (Field Symbol)



Always the first field

One of the following:



Record Type


Always the second field

Fixed value: HDR




Fixed value: PARTICIPANT




Fixed value: USER_ACCOUNT




Fixed value: IN_CHARGE

To Be Notified



Fixed value: TO_BE_NOTIFIED

The command ADD_OR_UPDATE_PARTICIPANT_AUTH indicates that the detail rows following this header row are instructions for adding or updating Participant Authorities. Similarly, the command DELETE_PARTICIPANT_AUTH indicates that the following detail rows are instructions for deleting Participant Authorities.

The record type HDR denotes that this row is a header row.

The order of fields other than the command and record type is arbitrary.

Rules Regarding Detail Rows Content

In the detail rows, appropriate values are specified for each field defined in the header row. Therefore, each detail row must have the same number of fields as the preceding header row. The fields in the header and detail rows are matched in the order they appear. The specified values for each field in the detail rows are as follows:

Field Name Specification (Field Value)


Specify the same command as in the preceding header row.

Record Type

Fixed value: DTL

This indicates that the row is a detail row.


The label of the participant which is the subject of the registration or deletion for Participant Authorities.


The username of the user account which is the subject of the registration or deletion for Participant Authorities.


If the above user is to be made the In-Charge for the above participant, specify TRUE; if not, FALSE.

To Be Notified

Specifies whether to notify the above user of events related to the above participant using the Business Process Management feature. Specify TRUE to notify, and FALSE not to.

Exporting Participant Authorities

All Participant Authorities can be pasted onto an Excel sheet in the format described above for importing (by exporting the data to the clipboard and then pasting it from the clipboard onto an Excel sheet). The content of this sheet can be modified and re-imported.
