Sweep Garbage

This manual is in pilot operation.

When an application is deleted or a ledger, scenario, or fiscal year within an application is deleted, the ledger data related to that application, ledger, scenario, or fiscal year is deleted. However, the space occupied by those ledger data in the database is not released.

There is no harm in leaving this state as it is, but if you sweep garbage from the menu, the consumed space will be released and made available for reuse by other data.

To sweep garbage, first log in to [Manager] (you do not need to select an application). Then follow these steps:

  1. From the menu, select File  Sweep Garbage.

    The "Processing Status" dialog box will appear and the process will start. Once the process is complete, the "Processing Status" dialog box will automatically close.

Additionally, when performing the following actions, "Sweep Garbage" will be performed concurrently: