
This manual is in pilot operation.
In applications of the type Workgroup Type, participants cannot be registered (all users are considered to belong to a participant labeled #NONE).


Participants represent groups divided by department or duty involved in the business processes where fusion_place is applied. Although participants are related to each department represented in the organizational chart, they do not necessarily correspond one-to-one. For instance, within a Planning and Management Department, it is permissible to have separate participants for Performance Management and Budget Compilation.

Participants are granted access rights to ledgers. Specifically, by assigning an "Access Permission Type" and a "Responsibility Key" to each participant, the range of ledger data accessible to users belonging to that participant is defined.

Access permission types are registered by designers. While administrators cannot register or modify access permission types themselves, they can assign any registered access permission type to each participant.

Responsibility Keys

Responsibility keys are dimension members assigned to a participant. They complement the access permission type and determine the range of accessible data. For example, if the access permission type states that "only data from one’s own department is viewable," the responsibility key would specify the member representing one’s own department within the "Department" dimension. This clarifies which department is considered "one’s own" for the participant.

Responsibility keys can only be specified for Accounts, Change Accounts, and Custom Dimensions (i.e., they cannot be specified for Fiscal Year, Relative Period, Scenario, or View Dimensions).

The need for specifying responsibility keys for certain dimensions depends on the design of the access permission type assigned to the participant.