Manager Screen Configuration
This manual is in pilot operation.
[Manager] screens consist of two "panes (display areas)" on the left and right (this explanation assumes that an application is selected. If no application is selected, only the screen frame and menu are displayed).

The left pane is called the "Navigator Pane" and displays various objects that make up the application and processes that can be executed in a tree format.
The right pane is called the "Editor Pane" and is used to reference and modify the contents of objects or to instruct processes. Information related to the objects or processes selected in the Navigator Pane is displayed in the Editor Pane.
The trees displayed in the Navigator Pane are of three types: Design, Maintenance, and Process Execution, and can be selected by tabs. These trees correspond to user roles. That is, designers mainly use the "Design" tree, while managers use the "Maintenance" and "Process Execution" trees. Designers can also perform managerial tasks. On the other hand, managers can use the design tree to reference the contents of objects but cannot modify them.