Description of Form List Permission Table Panel Items

Designer Administrator
This manual is in pilot operation.

The Form List Permission Table is editable only when logged in as a Designer.

(1) Basic Attributes

Item Required Description

Apply Form List Permission Table

If left blank, the Form List Permission Table will not be applied. In this case, all Participants will have access to all form lists, regardless of the access permission type.

(2) Form List Permission Table Body

This is a list of form lists and the types of access permissions that can use each form list. Each form list can only be used by Participants assigned to the corresponding access permission type specified in this table. The buttons on the right allow you to add or delete permissions, as well as import and export data.

Item Required Description

Form List

Specify the form list to be granted permission.

Access Permission Type

Specify the access permission type of the Participant allowed to use the form list.