Importing and Exporting User Accounts

This manual is in pilot operation.

Importing User Accounts

You can add, update, or delete user accounts in bulk based on the data registered in an Excel sheet. This feature is called the "User Account Import Feature."

Operation Procedure:

Importable Data Formats

The import process involves importing data from an Excel sheet via the clipboard. Specifically, you copy the range of settings from the Excel sheet to the clipboard and then import it into the User Account Management screen. Each item is described in a single column on the sheet.

Below, the format of importable data is explained in detail. If you find it difficult to understand, try exporting existing user accounts and pasting them into an Excel sheet. The exported data can be imported as is (since it follows the rules below).

General Notation Rules

Upper and lower case letters are not distinguished for user account names and fields other than names.

Row Arrangement Rules

The first row within the copied range in the Excel sheet must be a "header row," followed by an arbitrary number of "detail rows." The header row indicates the meaning of each field in the detail rows. Each detail row represents the addition, update, or deletion content for a single user account. You can place blank rows anywhere within the range. Blank rows are simply ignored.

The rules for arranging the header and detail rows are as follows:

  1. The first non-blank row within the range must be a header row.

  2. After the header row, you can place an arbitrary number of "detail rows." The fields in these detail rows must be arranged as indicated by the immediately preceding header row.

  3. Header rows may appear multiple times within the range.

  4. Each detail row represents the addition or update content for a single user account. You can use multiple detail rows for a single user account. In that case, those detail rows are processed in the order they appear on the sheet.

Header Row Content Rules

The header row consists of the fields listed below.

Field Name Required Field Count Field Position Specification (Field Symbol)



Must be the 1st field

One of the following:



Record Type


Must be the 2nd field

Fixed value HDR

User Account Name





1 for each defined language


Fixed value NAME: + locale



Japanese name


English name

Email Address



Fixed value E_MAIL_ADDRESS




Fixed value LOCALE




Fixed value PASSWORD




Fixed value IS_INACTIVE


Any number


Fixed value P: + authority identification label.

The authority identification labels are as follows:

  • Designer: DESIGNER

  • Administrator: ADMINISTRATOR

  • View Only User: VIEW_ONLY

  • User Manager: USER_MANAGER

  • License Manager: LICENSE_MANAGER

  • Log Manager: LOG_MANAGER

Password Change Date




The command ADD_OR_UPDATE_USER_ACCOUNT indicates that the detail rows following this header row provide instructions for adding or updating user accounts. The command DELETE_USER_ACCOUNT indicates that the detail rows following this header row provide instructions for deleting user accounts.

The record type HDR indicates that this row is a header row.

The name field shows the fixed value NAME followed by the locale, such as ja or en, connected by a colon :. Do not place spaces before or after the colon. The locale can be in uppercase.

The authority field shows the fixed value P followed by the authority identification label, connected by a colon :. Like the name field, do not place spaces before or after the colon.

The password change date is for export only. Specifying it during import will not replace the password update date.

The required fields are the command, record type, and user account name. Other fields can be included or omitted as needed.

The order of fields, except for the command and record type, is arbitrary.

Detail Row Content Rules

In the detail rows, each field specified in the header row must have an appropriate value. Therefore, each detail row must have the same number of fields as the preceding header row, and the fields must correspond in the order specified. The values for each field in the detail rows are as follows.

Field Name Specification (Field Value)


Specify the same command as the preceding header row

Record Type

Fixed value DTL

Indicates that this row is a detail row.

User Account Name

The user account name to be added, updated, or deleted for each row.

For add/update instructions, if a user account with this name exists, it will be updated according to the instructions in this detail row.
If the user account does not exist, it will first be added, and then its content will be set according to the instructions in this detail row.


The name of the user account in each language.
(e.g., NAME:ja for Japanese name, NAME:en for English name)

Email Address

Specify the email address to receive notifications of workflow status changes if using the workflow management function. To receive status notifications, you must not only specify the email address here but also specify that notifications are required in Participant Authorities.


Specify the language for the workflow status notification emails (see above). Choose either Japanese or English. If not specified here, the default language of the OS running the fusion_place server program will be used.


The password for the user account. If this field is blank during an update, the password will not be updated.


Set TRUE to deactivate the user account, otherwise set FALSE.


Set TRUE to grant each authority specified in the header row to the user account, otherwise set FALSE.

Password Change Date

Ignored during import.

Output during export as the password change date.

Exporting User Accounts

You can paste the configuration of all user accounts (excluding the presence of multi-factor authentication for fusion_place >= 12.0) into an Excel sheet in the importable format described above (the steps are to export data to the clipboard and paste it from the clipboard to the Excel sheet). You can modify the content of this sheet and import it again.

However, passwords are not exported (the password column is output, but its values are blank for all rows).

Operation Procedure: