Execute Batch Processing

This manual is in pilot operation.

You can execute batch processing for data retrieval and reflection across multiple sheets in an Excel workbook (file).

Overview of Processing

  • The following four types of processing can be executed:

    1. Retrieve Data

    2. Reflect Data

    3. Clear Data

    4. Retrieve then Reflect

  • Sheets with names starting with "FP_" will be processed ("FP" must be uppercase, followed by an underscore).

  • Sheets are processed in the order they appear in the workbook, from left to right.

  • If "Retrieve then Reflect" is selected, data retrieval is performed first for each sheet, followed by data reflection. Once completed, the next sheet will be processed similarly.

Steps to Execute

  1. In Excel, select and display the workbook where you want to execute batch processing.

  2. On the fusions menu, within the "Batch" group, click one of the following buttons:

    1. Retrieve Data

    2. Reflect Data

    3. Clear Data

    4. Retrieve then Reflect

  3. A confirmation screen asking whether to proceed will appear. Click Yes.

    The process will start. A new workbook will open, displaying a list of the sheets that were processed.