Retrieve and Reflect Data
This manual is in pilot operation.
The retrieve and reflect process works as follows:
- For linked function target sheets
This process simply executes data retrieval and reflection consecutively.
- For template processing target sheets
Follow these steps:
In Excel, select and display the sheet where you want to execute the retrieve and reflect process.
On the fusions ribbon in Excel, click the Retrieve then Reflect button.
(For the first connection or when a certain amount of time has passed since login, user authentication will be required. Refer to Connecting to the Server for authentication procedures.)
Data will be retrieved and pasted into the linked regions on the Excel sheet. Then, recalculations will be executed in Excel, and the results will be reflected (saved) in the fusion_place ledger.
As a result of the reflection, other cell values in the fusion_place ledger may change. The latest data will then be retrieved again and pasted into the Excel sheet.