Ledger Update History

Designer Administrator
This manual is in pilot operation.

When ledger data is updated, its details are kept as a history, referred to as "generations". Administrators can view update history.

Relationship Between Editions and History

There is an update history for each edition. The history of an edition corresponds to the updates that have been made since that edition was created. Therefore, the update history for each edition is as follows:

Published Edition

When the Working Edition is published, the history of the Working Edition at that time is added to the history of the Published Edition. If the Working Edition is cleared, the history of the Published Edition does not change.

Working Edition

Publishing or clearing the Working Edition makes its data content the same as the Published Edition (only for the scenarios targeted for publication in the case of publishing). Since differences from the Published Edition accumulate in the Working Edition, there is no update history immediately after publishing/clearing. History begins to accumulate again as data in the Working Edition is updated.

Change Accounts and Ledger Update History

There are dependencies between change accounts, meaning that data entered in one change account can affect the data in other (inputtable) change accounts. For example, inputting data in change account #NONE will affect change accounts #END or #NET. The reverse is also true.

In such cases, only one of the affected change accounts will be included in the ledger update history, not all. In the above case, even if #END or #NET are changed, the ledger update history will display as if #NONE was changed, so please be aware.

Periods and Ledger Update History

There are also dependencies between periods of different period units. For example, entering data for "Q3" affects "Month 9" (if the last month of Q3 is September). The reverse is true as well.

In the ledger update history, only data of the smallest period unit is included. Therefore, even if the data for "Q3" is changed, the ledger update history will display as if "Month 9" data was changed.

Ledger Edition for Scenarios Not Subject to Edition Management (fusion_place >= 12.1)

Update history data for scenarios not subject to ledger edition management can also be checked on the "Ledger Update History" screen.
In this case, select the ledger edition with the ledger key "#S." + the scenario label. For example, if the label of a scenario not subject to ledger edition management is "ACTUAL", the corresponding ledger edition key would be "#S.ACTUAL".