Display/Input Method for Amounts/Numbers

This manual is in pilot operation.

"Display/Input Method for Amounts/Numbers" refers to the following settings:

Item Required Settings


Specifies how much amount on the ledger is displayed as 1 on reports and screens.

Format Pattern

The view for amounts/numbers. You can specify sign display, comma display, percentage display, decimal point display, number of decimal places, etc. (see below for details).

Rounding on Input

Specifies whether to perform rounding on input, and if so, how to handle the rounding. Choose from the following:

・(Not specified) …​ No rounding is performed.


・Round up

・Round down

Maximum Decimal Places

When performing rounding on input, specifies the number of decimal places to retain after rounding. For example, if the maximum number of decimal places is set to 2, the third decimal place and beyond of the input value are rounded according to "Rounding on Input," leaving up to two decimal places.

Thus, if "Rounding on Input" is set to "Round" and the maximum number of decimal places is 2, an input value of 100.235 becomes 100.24. Please note that this process occurs before scaling is applied. In this case, whether the scaling is "one" or "thousand," the result will be 100.24.

You can specify an integer greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to "Scaling + 4" for the maximum number of decimal places. However, for scaling, "one" is considered as 0, "ten" as 1, "hundred" as 2, and "thousand" as 3, counting as powers of ten. This is because fusion_place can maintain the precision of amounts/numbers up to four decimal places.

Format Patterns

We will explain how to specify format patterns using examples.

Example of Format Pattern Value Displayed String Explanation of Format Symbols




# : Displays a space for zero
0 : Displays 0 for zero
. : Indicates the decimal point position
, : Thousands separator






% : Displays the value multiplied by 100 as a percentage



##0 people


45 people

You can place any string (except for special characters) before and after the numeric/amount part.


-45 people

#,##0.00 ;



Different formats for positive and negative values can be specified, separated by ; [1].



#,##0.00 ;





1. The only parts that can differ in the positive and negative formats are the beginning and end of the format string, excluding the numeric/amount part (#, 0, decimal point, comma). Please keep the numeric/amount part the same (otherwise, negative numbers may not display correctly).