Data Types - Types of Data Available in Text Expressions

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There are four types of data that can be handled in text expressions:

  • String

  • Boolean

  • Numeric

  • Object

These are referred to as "data types."


A sequence of characters with no length limitation. Subject to String Operations.


A data type that can only take one of two binary values: "True" or "False". It is used in Logical Operations and as a condition in IF Expressions. The result of Relational Operations is also a Boolean.


A numeric value with precision up to four decimal places. Subject to Numeric Operations.
The maximum and minimum values for numerics are as follows:

Maximum: 922337203685477.5807 (approximately 922 trillion)

Minimum: -922337203685477.5808 (approximately minus 922 trillion)


Application components such as dimensions, members, and cell ranges that can be referenced in text expressions are called "objects." Details on types of objects will be described later.