Description of Submission Route Definitions (Maintenance) Panel Items

This manual is in pilot operation.

(1) Basic Information Tab

In the Submission Route Definitions (Maintenance) panel, the basic information is read-only.

Item Required Description



A label that identifies the Submission Route Definition. It is unique within the application.



The name of the Submission Route Definition. Supports multiple languages.

Responsibility Splitter Dimension


Specifies along which dimension the data submission responsibility of the Participants included in this Submission Route Definition is split. For details, please refer to the Description of Submission Route Definitions in "fusion_place Mechanism".

For the Participants included in this Submission Route Definition, you need to specify the Responsibility Keys for this Responsibility Splitter Dimension. (This is checked not when registering the route details of the Submission Route but when generating a business process that applies the Submission Route Definition.)

(2) Route Detail Panel

Specifies the Participants and their connections (submission paths) included in the Submission Route in a tabular format. All Participants are listed in rows. The items are as follows:

Item Required Description



All Participants are displayed in rows.

Include in Route

Set to ON if the above Participant is to be included in this Submission Route. Set to OFF if not included.


Check this item if approvals for the above Participant in this Submission Route should be performed automatically.

This can be specified only for Participants that act as submittees in the Submission Route.

Submission Delegated

Check this item if the above Participant should be able to submit the submission package on behalf of an ultimate submitter Participant that directly or indirectly designates it as a submittee.

This can be specified only for Participants that act as submittees in the Submission Route.

Submittee Participant

Select and specify the Submittee Participant of the above Participant in this route from the list. This cannot be specified for Participants not included in the route. Even for Participants included in the route, the submittee may not be specified, in which case the Participant becomes the "Final Submittee."