Exporting Submission Route Details to Clipboard

This manual is in pilot operation.
Submission Route Definitions are available only for Workflow Type applications.

To export the registered contents of Submission Route Definitions to the clipboard, first, select the target application. Then, follow these steps:

  1. Display the Submission Route Definitions (Maintenance) panel (for details, please refer to Viewing Submission Route Definitions).

    → The content of the "Basic Information" tab will be displayed.

  2. Select the "Route Detail" tab at the top of the panel.

    → The route details will be displayed in table format.

  3. Click the To Clipboard button on the right side of the screen.

    → The "Processing Status" dialog box will appear, and after a short time, the process will complete. At this point, the Submission Route settings will have been exported to the clipboard.

  4. On a Microsoft Excel sheet, select an appropriate cell (the top-left corner cell of the range where you want to paste the exported data) and press Ctrl+V on the keyboard. Alternatively, you can select Edit(E)  Paste(P) or similar from the Excel menu.

    → The exported data will be pasted onto the sheet.