Checking Server-Side Asynchronous Processing Status

This manual is in pilot operation.

Many processes in fusion_place are executed as asynchronous processes on the server side. This ensures that server-side processing continues unaffected even if the client-server connection is interrupted.

You can check the status of server-side asynchronous processing from the [Manager].

  1. From the menu, select File  Server-Side Asynchronous Processing…​.

    The "Server-Side Asynchronous Processing" screen will appear.

  2. Click the Close button to close the screen.

The list on the server-side asynchronous processing screen displays the following asynchronous processes:

  • Asynchronous processes currently running on the server side

  • Asynchronous processes that completed after the client connection was interrupted for any reason

If the client connection is still active when the asynchronous process finishes, the process will be removed from the list upon completion. Otherwise, the process will be removed from the list approximately 24 hours after completion or when the server is shut down/restarted.

Server-Side Asynchronous Processing Screen Items

Item Content

Task Name

Name of the server-side asynchronous process.

User Name

Username of the user who initiated the server-side asynchronous process.

Start Date and Time

Start date and time of the server-side asynchronous process.


Description of the latest processing status.

End Date and Time

End date and time of the server-side asynchronous process.

The screen display updates approximately every 30 seconds.