Report Format

This manual is in pilot operation.

Specify the layout and unit display method for reports and screens created using forms. The items that can be specified are as follows:

[Report Appearance]

(1) Page

Item Mandatory Content

・Page Size

Choose from A3, A4, Letter, or Legal. Default is A4.


Choose from Portrait (vertical) or Landscape (horizontal). Default is Portrait (vertical).

・Suppress Row Titles

Checking here will not display the row titles section (instead, use Text Expression in the first few columns to display items that serve as row headers).

・Suppress Row Title Headings

Checking here will not display the headings in the row titles section. Refer to the description below for details.

For applications created in version 5.1 and updated to 5.2 or later, this item is checked for existing forms. This is to maintain backward compatibility. For forms created in version 5.2 or later, this item is not checked by default.

・Row Title Width

Specify in the number of half-width characters. Default is 16.

・Minimum Indent Width of Row Titles

Specify in the number of half-width characters. Refer to the description below for details. Default is 8.

・Row-wise Loop Layout

Specifies whether to display the loop header row (default) or to display loop items in the first detail row for row-wise loop display.

・Number of Column Title Lines

Specify the height of the column title area in lines. Default is 2 [1]

・Protect Cells (Disallow Input)

Check when making the screen for inquiry only. The selection box row for row insertion is not displayed on an inquiry-only screen. "Protect Cells" can also be set in column, row, or cell specifications, but in those cases, the selection boxes will not be hidden.

(2) Font Sizes

Item Mandatory Content

・Specify Font Sizes

Check when specifying font sizes.


Font size (in points) to apply to the title (form name) (1 point = 1/72 inch, the same below). If not specified, 14 points will be used.


Font size (in points) to apply to contents other than the title. If not specified, 10 points will be used.

(3) Margins

Item Mandatory Content

・Specify Margins

Check when specifying margins.


Margin on the left side of the paper (in points). If not specified, 72 points will be used.


Margin on the top side of the paper. The same below.


Margin on the right side of the paper. The same below.


Margin on the bottom side of the paper. The same below.

(4) Title Display

Item Mandatory Content

・Suppress Row Titles

Checking here will not display the row titles section (instead, use Text Expression in the first few columns to display items that serve as row headers).

・Suppress Row Title Headings

Checking here will not display the headings in the row titles section. Refer to the description below for details.

For applications created in versions prior to 5.1 and updated to version 5.2 or later, this item will be checked for existing forms to maintain backward compatibility. For forms created in version 5.2 or later, this item is not checked by default.

・Row Title Width

Specify in the number of half-width characters. Default is 16.

・Minimum Indent Width of Row Titles

Specify in the number of half-width characters. Refer to the description below for details. Default is 8.

・Number of Column Title Lines

Specify the height of the column title area in lines. Default is 2 [1]

・Protect Cells (Disallow Input)

Check when making the screen for inquiry only. The selection box row for row insertion will not be displayed on an inquiry-only screen.

"Protect Cells" can also be set in column, row, or cell specifications, but in those cases, the selection boxes will not be hidden.

Minimum Indent Width of Row Titles

A header is displayed for each repetition within a loop. The Indent Width of Row Titles is the width of the area where these headers are displayed. The larger value between the "Minimum Indent Width" specified here and in the loop specification will be applied as the actual indent width. If there are multiple loop specifications at the same depth on the vertical axis, the largest value among those specified "Minimum Indent Width" and the one specified here will be applied as the actual indent width.

However, if the child element of the Loop Specification is only one Column & Row Specification, the header row of that loop will not be displayed. Therefore, the "Minimum Indent Width of Row Titles" specified in that loop specification will not be applied, so please be careful.

Row Title Headings

Row title headings are displayed according to the following conditions:

  • From left to right, the names of the dimensions used in the loop specifications corresponding to those columns are displayed. If there are multiple such loop specifications, the one belonging to the deepest loop series is targeted. If there are multiple deepest loop series, the one that appears first (top) is prioritized.

  • If the "deepest loop series" mentioned above contains multiple row definitions in its lowest loop specification, the rightmost column of the row title section corresponds to those row definitions, and the heading will display "Item."

(5) Row Appearance

Item Mandatory Content

・Row-wise Loop Layout

Specifies whether to display the loop header row or to display loop items in the first detail row for row-wise loop display. By default, the loop header row is displayed.

(6) Others

Item Mandatory Content

・Protect Cells (Disallow Input)

Check when making the screen for inquiry only. The selection box row for row insertion will not be displayed on an inquiry-only screen.

"Protect Cells" can also be set in column, row, or cell specifications, but in those cases, the selection boxes will not be hidden.

[Unit Display]

Item Mandatory Content

・Unit Display

Specify the string to be displayed in the unit display area (outside the frame at the top right of the data display area) using Text Expression

⚠ The unit display is written in text expression. Therefore, if you want to display a fixed string (for example, "Unit: Yen"), please enclose it in double quotes.

Example: "Unit: Yen"

1. For the Simple forms, the "Number of Column Title Lines" is automatically set to an appropriate number of lines according to the form’s design. This can be overridden, but if the dimension layout is changed, any overridden values will be ignored, and the auto-calculated values will be set again.