Manage System Settings

This manual is in pilot operation.
This operation can only be performed by users with "User Management Authority."

The following items are managed as system settings:

  • Language

  • Application Filtering Methods

  • Application Label Constraints (Inquiry Only)

  • Application Label Constraints (Designer/Admin Only)

  • Single Sign-On Settings


You can register or delete the language used in the system. Japanese and English are built-in as default settings, so this applies to other languages.

To manage languages, first log in to [Manager] (you do not need to select an application). Then follow these steps:

  1. From the menu, select File  System Settings…​.

    The "System Settings" dialog box will appear.

  2. In the "Language" tab, add a row to the list of languages and select the language you want to add in the "Language (Locale) Display Name" field. To stop using a language, select the row of the language and delete it.

  3. Click the Close button, and you will be asked whether to save the changes. Choose Yes, No, or Cancel.

If you save the changes in the "System Settings" screen, the change will be reflected in other screens, and the language in the name field will be according to the content of the "Language" tab.

Application Filtering Methods

You can specify the filtering conditions in the application list displayed in user interface programs such as [Manager] and [Browser]. If not specified, all applications will be displayed.

To manage application filtering methods, first log in to [Manager] (you do not need to select an application). Then follow these steps:

  1. From the menu, select File  System Settings…​.

    The "System Settings" screen will appear.

  2. In the "Application Filtering Methods" tab, specify whether to perform the following two items:

    • In the application list of [Manager], display only the applications for which full-function users are assigned design/admin authority.

    • In the application list of [Browser] and [Contributor], display only the applications for which general users or inquiry-only users are assigned participant authorities.

  3. Click the Close button, and you will be asked whether to save the changes. Choose Yes, No, or Cancel.

Application Label Constraints (Inquiry Only)

This function allows you to make applications with specified labels inquiry-only applications. Inquiry-only applications prohibit all master and data updates regardless of user permissions.

Additionally, inquiry-only applications are excluded from the application count restriction in the license agreement.

  1. From the menu, select File  System Settings…​.

    The "System Settings" screen will appear.

  2. In the "Application Label Constraints (Inquiry Only)" tab, click the add row button.

  3. Add the label for the application you want to set as inquiry-only.

    • For example, if you specify "VIEW_*", all applications with labels starting with "VIEW_" such as VIEW_APP01 and VIEW_APP02 will be set as inquiry-only applications.

    • Wildcards can be specified as * (any number of characters) and ? (any single character).

Application Label Constraints (Designer/Admin Only)

This function allows you to make applications with specified labels designer/admin only applications. Designer/admin only applications are restricted from use by anyone other than designer/admin users. This restriction takes precedence over participant authorities registered for users.

Additionally, designer/admin only applications are excluded from the application count restriction in the license agreement.

  1. From the menu, select File  System Settings…​.

    The "System Settings" screen will appear.

  2. In the "Application Label Constraints (Designer/Admin Only)" tab, click the add row button.

  3. Add the label for the application you want to set as designer/admin only.

    • For example, if you specify "ADMIN_*", all applications with labels starting with "ADMIN_" such as ADMIN_APP01 and ADMIN_APP02 will be set as designer/admin only applications.

    • Wildcards can be specified as * (any number of characters) and ? (any single character).

Single Sign-On (fusion_place >= 14.0)

Set up Single Sign-On (SSO) settings. If you do not use SAML authentication, this setting will not be displayed.

  1. fusion_place User/Password Authentication
    If checked, you can use SSO and fusion_place user/password authentication together.
    Additionally, in the User Account Management Dialog Settings, you can set whether to enable user/password authentication for each user.