Browser Screen and Basic Operations

This manual is in pilot operation.

Below is an example of the [Browser] screen.

fusion_place >= 12.1

The [Browser] screen displays the following: ①, ②, ③, ④, and ⑤. ③ and ④ are displayed only when a form and point of view have been selected.

browser v12.1

① Toolbar

Icons for operating the sheet are arranged here.

1. Back (←) and Forward (→)

Back (←) returns to the previous form. Forward (→) moves to the next form.
[Right-click] or [Long press] to display the history and select any form.

2. Reload

Re-displays the screen based on the latest data from the database.

3. Export to Excel

Exports the data of the displayed sheet to Excel. Excel will automatically launch.[1]

4. Preview

Previews the displayed sheet. You can also print the sheet or export it as a PDF file from the preview screen.

5. Print

Prints the displayed sheet.

This area is for selecting data or forms to display/edit. The controls (screen components) are arranged from left to right in the upper and lower sections as follows:

(Upper section)

1. Participant

Selects the Participants. The scope of accessible data is determined by the Participants. The Participants that can be selected can be registered by the administrator for each user (Participant Authorities).

2. Ledger Edition

Selects the Ledger Edition. You can choose between a Shared workspace edition and a Public edition. Additionally, the following Ledger Editions can be selected:

  1. Ledger editions of workspaces assigned to the Participant in 1 above, within a business process

  2. Other ledger editions created by the user (those with ledger edition keys).

Data in the Public edition is read-only, regardless of the Participant’s Access Permission Types.

3. Compare Button

Clicking this switches the content display screen to Comparative Format, allowing you to compare data between ledger editions.

(Lower section)

1. Form

This is the leftmost button. Click to select the Form used for accessing data.

2. Point of View

These are the other buttons. Click to select the dimension members given as parameters to the form. By providing different parameters to a single form, you can display/edit different data ranges. The types and order of buttons (types and order of parameter dimensions) depend on the Form Design.

⚠ Forms and point of view can also be selected from the menu. The menu items are as follows:

Actions  Select Form…​
Actions  Select Point of View…​

Buttons for operating the sheet are arranged here.

1. Validate

Validate the content of the displayed sheet. The validation conditions are defined in the form as a "Validation Rule". If the form has no validation rule, this button cannot be pressed.

2. Save

Saves (reflects) the content of the displayed sheet to the ledger.

The content of the sheet created based on the form is displayed. If you have appropriate write permission, you can also input or modify data.

Messages indicating the results of the user’s operations on the sheet are displayed.

Adjusting Column Width

You can adjust the column width by dragging the boundary of columns on the screen. When you change the width of one column, the width of other columns of the same type (more precisely, columns displayed based on a single column definition) will also change. The adjusted column width is applied only to your PC.

The adjusted result is saved, but if the form definition is changed, it will be reset to the initial state.

To reset the adjusted column width, select Actions  Reset Column Widths…​ from the menu, and choose whether to reset by "Reset This" or "Reset All".

Comparative Form Display

The content display can be switched to "Comparative Form". In Comparative Form, the content of the currently selected ledger edition and another ledger edition are displayed side by side, with differences highlighted in yellow (detailed conditions are described here).

comparative browser v12.1

The following operations can be performed on the right comparative panel:

1. Close comparative panel Button

Clicking this closes the comparative panel.

2. Ledger edition to compare Selection Field

Selects the ledger edition to compare. The selectable ledger editions are the same as those in the Ledger Edition selection field in section ②.

The comparison source panel (left side) and the comparative panel are linked. When you drill down by clicking a column/row or cell in either panel, the other panel will also drill down in the same manner.

Highlighting Conditions for Different Cells

Cells with differences are highlighted in yellow in the comparative panel. The conditions for highlighting are as follows:

  • There is an actual difference in the cell value, and

  • The cell is not an aggregation item or a calculated item.

1. When the Export to Excel button is pressed, the data is first exported to a CSV file, which is then opened in Excel. The CSV file is created in the .fusionplace subfolder of the Windows user folder (C:\Users\(username)).