Explanation of Items in User Account Dialog

This manual is in pilot operation.
Item Required Description

User Account

The user account name, which is a string used to identify the user account. Leading and trailing spaces are ignored. It must be 50 characters or fewer and may include alphanumeric characters, periods (.), underscores (_), and hyphens (-). It is case-sensitive.
This can only be entered when creating a new user account.

User Name

The name of the user assigned to the user account. Supports multiple languages.


Check this when temporarily deactivating the user account. Users with inactive accounts cannot log in to the system.

[Basic Authorization]

This section sets the Basic Authorization granted to the user account. A user account that is not granted any of the three basic authorizations will have permissions focused on general operations (excluding design and management), particularly input and output of data.

Designer (and Admin)

Specify whether the user has Designer privileges (Designer privileges include Administrator privileges).


Specify whether the user has Administrator privileges.

View-only User

Check this box if the user account is designated as "View-only." View-only users can only view data.

[Additional Authorization]

This section sets the Additional Authorization granted to the user account.

Authorized As User Manager

Specify whether Designers or Administrators are granted User Management privileges.

Authorized As License Manager

Specify whether Designers or Administrators are granted License Management privileges.

Authorized As Log Manager

Specify whether Designers or Administrators are granted Log Management privileges.

Application Specified

Specify whether the privileges of Designers or Administrators are limited to a particular application.

This is more of a restriction than a privilege, but Designers or Administrators granted this restriction can only design and manage within the specified application. The specific application privileges are defined in the Design and Management Privilege Table of each application.

E-mail Address

Specify the e-mail address for receiving event notifications when using the Process Management function. In addition to specifying the e-mail address here, you must also specify the need for notifications in the Participant Authorities section.


Specify the language used for event notification emails (see above) in the Process Management function. You can choose either Japanese or English. If not specified, the default language of the operating system where the fusion_place server is running will be used.

Change Password (Checkbox)

Check this box when you want to change the password. + {newaccount}
This is always checked when creating a new user account.

Check this when you want to change the password while modifying the user account.

Password Changed On

Displays the most recent password change date. If no change has been recorded (i.e., if the password has not been changed in versions 4.3.3 or later), this field will be blank.



A string between 5 and 50 characters. Leading and trailing spaces are ignored. It is case-sensitive. Special characters are allowed, but Japanese characters are not.

Confirm Password


Re-enter the same string as the "Password" for confirmation.

Enable Multi-factor Authentication (Checkbox)
(fusion_place >= 12.0)

Displays whether multi-factor authentication is enabled or disabled.
Uncheck the box to disable multi-factor authentication.

Multi-factor Authentication Enabled On
(fusion_place >= 12.0)

Displays the date and time multi-factor authentication was enabled.

fusion_place User/Password Authentication
(fusion_place >= 14.0)

Specify whether to enable fusion_place User/Password Authentication when using Single Sign-On (SSO).

By default, it follows the System Settings.

If SAML authentication is not used, this item will not be displayed.

For more details on privileges, please refer to "User Accounts and Privileges."

1. Required if "Change Password" is checked.