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Constants include String Constants, Numeric Constants, Boolean Constants, and Label Constants.

String Constants

Strings are enclosed in double quotes (").

  "This is a string."

Expressions enclosed in { } can be embedded within string constants.

  "1 + 2 is { 1 + 2 }."
          => "1 + 2 is 3.0000." is how it is interpreted.

The following escape sequences can be used within strings: Newline: ¥n or ¥r [1]

Tab: ¥t

Double quote: ¥"

Left curly brace: ¥{ (Not the opening brace for embedding expressions, but just as a character.)

To include the ¥ symbol itself in a string, write it twice in succession, ¥¥, which is replaced with a single ¥ symbol.

Numeric Constants

Numeric constants are written directly without quotation marks.

  • Up to four decimal places can be included.

  • When the integer part is zero, it can be omitted and just the decimal point can be used.

  • A positive (+) or negative (-) sign can be placed in front.


Boolean Constants

Constants representing the Boolean values True and False.


Represents the truth value "true."


Represents the falsehood value "false."

Case is not distinguished (True, true, tRue all mean the same truth value).

Note that unlike string constants, they do not need to be enclosed in quotes.

Label Constants

Constants representing labels used to identify objects. Label constants are not case-sensitive (interpreted as uppercase).

If a label consists only of alphanumeric characters, the sharp sign (#), or underscores (_), includes a non-numeric character, and does not overlap with reserved words, it can be written directly in an expression.

  #Account (1)
1 Interpreted as the label #ACCOUNT.

Labels other than the above should be enclosed in single quotes (' '). Otherwise, they may not be interpreted correctly.

  'IF' (1)
1 If not enclosed in single quotes, it is interpreted as the reserved word IF.
  '0001' (1)
1 If not enclosed in single quotes, it is interpreted as the number 1.0000 (since it consists only of digits).
  '2000-01' (1)
1 If not enclosed in single quotes, it is interpreted as the expression 2000 - 1.

Even in cases not covered by the above exceptions, you can still enclose labels in single quotes (' ').

  '#Account' (1)
1 Interpreted as the label #ACCOUNT.

1. ¥n represents LF (Line Feed), ¥r represents CR (Carriage Return). Normally, ¥n alone is sufficient for new lines.