Installing fusion_place

This manual is in pilot operation.

This section describes how to install fusion_place. Following the installer’s instructions after execution will allow you to install as per the steps below.

Notes Regarding Windows User Accounts

The following notes apply to the PC in standalone operation and to the server machine in web server-based operation (in other words, the computer where fusion_place is being installed).

  • When installing fusion_place, always use a user account with administrative privileges.

  • The fusion_place server program is registered as a "Windows Service" during installation. For normal operations, if the server is to be run without logging in with the user account used at the time of installation, ensure that the fusion_place service is set to run under a user account with administrative privileges through Windows Services etc.[1]
    The service name for fusion_place is as follows:

    1. Service name: FusionPlace

    2. Display name: fusion_place server

  • In the case mentioned above, ensure the user account running the service has read/write access to the following folders. These folders will be suggested as initial values during installation and can be changed.

    1. The installation folder for fusion_place

    2. The folder for the database files

Considerations for Standalone Operation

fusion_place menu items and icons will only be displayed in the menu and desktop of the user account used during installation.

If installed under an administrator user account, logging in with a different user account will not display the menu items and icons.

In this case, access http://localhost:50000/fusionplace/app/ using a web browser to see the menu screen. Bookmarking this URL for easy access is recommended (if a different port number was specified during installation, please use that port number instead of 50000).

Installation Procedure

  1. Obtain the fusion_place installer distribution file from Fusion Inc. or its agents.

    The installer distribution file is compressed in zip format, so please decompress it (right-click the file and select Expand All…​ from the menu).

    ⇒ The files will be decompressed, and a folder will be created. The installer file is located within this folder. The file name will be one of the following (replace n.n.n with the version number):


  2. Double-click the installer file.

    ⇒ The installer launches, and the language selection dialog appears.

  3. In the language selection screen, select "English" and click the OK button.

    ⇒ The "Welcome to the fusion_place Setup Wizard" dialog appears.

  4. Read the notes on the above screen and if acceptable, click the Next button.

    ⇒ The "License Agreement" screen appears.
    The content of the agreement differs between fusion_place standard and premium.

  5. Read the agreement and if you agree to the terms, click the I Agree button (if you do not agree, click the Cancel button. The installer will exit).

    ⇒ The "Choose Installation Location" screen appears.

  6. Specify the installation folder (an initial suggestion is displayed), and click the Next button.

    ⇒ The "Java Runtime Environment" screen appears. This dialog is to specify the folder where Java used by fusion_place is installed. The folder where the latest version of Java installed on your computer is initially suggested.

  7. Specify the folder where Java used by fusion_place is installed and click the Next button.

    ⇒ The "Basic Settings" screen appears.

    If using OpenJDK, the folder where Java is installed may not be automatically detected. In such cases, select and specify the OpenJDK folder (which includes subfolders bin, lib).

  8. On the "Basic Settings" screen, specify the following items and click the Install button.

  9. Check either "Restart now" or "I will restart manually later", and click the Finish button.

    ⇒ This concludes the installation. If "Restart now" is chosen, your PC will restart immediately, and fusion_place will be available for use after the restart. If "I will restart manually later" is chosen, fusion_place will be available for use after manually restarting.

    ⇒ Immediately after installation, the only registered user account is "admin" (refer to the readme.txt file included with the installer for the password). After confirming the start-up, please register other user accounts as needed here. After registering other user accounts, it’s fine to delete or disable admin.

  10. If using the installation computer as a server, adjust the Windows Firewall to allow access from other computers to the "HTTP/1.1 Connector Port (default is 50000)".

Post-Installation Startup Verification

After restarting, verify the startup of fusion_place.

  1. An icon labeled "fusion_place Menu Page" should be created on your desktop. Double-click this icon.

    ⇒ If a page with the fusion_place logo appears, fusion_place has been correctly installed.

1. You can specify the user account to run the service on Windows Service management screen. Furthermore, if automating the server program’s startup/shutdown, it’s common to register batch files for starting/stopping with Windows Task Scheduler, where you can also specify a user account.