Response File Format

This manual is in pilot operation.

Overall Structure of a Response File

A response file contains the results of processing performed on the fusion_place server. Like a request file, a response file is also an XML format file. The structure of a response file is as follows:

<xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> (1)
  <responses> (2)
    <response type="IMPORT_VALUES" desc="Actual Import (1)"> (3)
      <!-- ... -->
    </response> (3)
    <response type="IMPORT_VALUES" desc="Actual Import (2)"> (3)
      <!-- ... -->
    </response> (3)
  </responses> (2)
1 XML Declaration
2 Start and End of "Response Sequence"
3 Start and End of "Response"

XML Declaration

The "XML Declaration" (1) appears as a single line at the beginning of the file, indicating that the file conforms to XML 1.0 specifications. The encoding="…​" attribute specifies the encoding applied to the file, which corresponds to the encoding specified in the -encoding option of the execution command line (if unspecified, UTF-8 is used by default).

Start and End Tags for "Response Sequence"

Excluding the XML declaration, the file consists of a sequence of "responses" (responses). The beginning and end of this sequence must be enclosed by <responses> and </responses> tags (2).

Start and End Tags for "Response"

Within the "Response Sequence" (responses), the same number of "Responses" (response) appear as the number of "Requests" (request) in the request file. The requests and responses correspond in order. The beginning and end of each response are enclosed within <response> and </response> tags (3).

The type and desc attributes of the <request> tag are copied to the <response> tag.

Response Description Format

Response information is placed between the <response …​> and </response> tags.

<response type="IMPORT_VALUES" desc="Actual Import (1)"> (1)
  <returned-contents> (2)
    #LINE_NO, #BEFORE_AFTER, #FY, #PERIOD, TENPO, SHOHIN, #ACCOUNT, ...​ <!--(Returned Content)-->
      3, "1.BEFORE", "FY2009", "M1", "S01", "M01", "PL1100", ...​
      3, "2.AFTER", "FY2009", "M1", "S01", "M01", "PL1100", ...​
            <!-- ... -->
  </returned-contents> (2)
  <result> (3)
    <code>SUCCESSFUL</code> (4)
    <started-at time-zone="Asia/Tokyo">2010/02/28 09:50:04.227</started-at> (5)
    <ended-at time-zone="Asia/Tokyo">2010/02/28 09:50:07.827</ended-at> (6)
    <messages> (7)
      Total Count: 693 <!--(Message)-->
      Skipped Count: 0
      Warning Count: 0
      Error Count: 0
    </messages> (7)
  </result> (3)
</response> (1)
1 Start and End of "Response"
2 Start and End of "Returned Content"
3 Start and End of "Processing Result"
4 Processing Result Code
5 Processing Start Time
6 Processing End Time
7 Start and End of "Message"

Start and End Tags for "Response"

The start tag of a response contains the same two attributes (type and desc) that were specified in the corresponding request.

Returned Content

Immediately following the request start tag, the "Returned Content" (returned-contents) is placed. The returned content is enclosed by <returned-contents> and </returned-contents> tags. The content of the returned section varies depending on the request type.

For the IMPORT_VALUES request type (data import using a form), the response contains an import process log.

Special characters <, >, and & are replaced with &lt;, &gt;, and &amp;, respectively. This process is known as escaping. If you wish to avoid converting escaped characters back to their original form, consider using External Mode.

Processing Result

Following the "Returned Content," the "Processing Result" (result) section is enclosed by <result> and </result> tags. The processing result contains the following items, each enclosed within its respective tag:

  • Processing Result Code

  • Processing Start Time

  • Processing End Time

  • Message

Processing Result Code

The processing result code is enclosed within <code> and </code> tags. The code can have one of the following values:

Processing Result Code Meaning


The requested process was completed successfully without any issues.


The process was completed successfully, but warnings were issued. Details of the warnings can be found in the "Returned Content" or "Message" section.


Some parts of the request could not be executed. The system skipped those parts and processed only the executable portions.


A critical error in the request parameters or content prevented execution, or the process was canceled partway through. No changes were made to the fusion_place database.

Processing Start and End Time

Following the "Processing Result Code," the server-side "Processing Start Time" and "Processing End Time" are displayed. The corresponding tags are:

Processing Start Time

<started-at…​> and </started-at>

Processing End Time

<ended-at…​> and </ended-at>

The time is recorded according to the server’s time zone, specified in the time-zone attribute.


Any additional messages related to the processing result are displayed. The language used for messages depends on the -lang option specified in the Requester command line. If -lang is not specified, the messages are displayed in the language set on the requesting computer.