Configuring the Translation Table

This manual is in pilot operation.

To configure the Translation Table, first log in to [Manager] as a Designer. Then, configure the Translation Table using the following steps:

  1. Select the Translation Table you want to configure and display the Translation Table (Design) panel (for details, please refer to Viewing Translation Table Settings).

  2. Set the name of the Translation Table and specify whether it is Customizable.

    For details on the configurable items, please refer to Description of Translation Table (Design) Panel Items.

  3. To save the settings, click the Save button.

    ⚠ Only attribute items of the Translation Table are configured here. Register the actual content (Translation Rules) of the Translation Table using the methods below.

    Default Table

    Register through the maintenance menu in [Manager]

    Custom Table

    Register using [Browser]
    For information on the relationship between Default Tables and Custom Tables, refer to the section on "Translation Table" in "How fusion_place Works."