Overview of Ledger Access Control

Designer Administrator
This manual is in pilot operation.

Ledger Access Control refers to the restriction of users' read and write (access) to ledger cells, according to rules set by administrators. In fusion_place, the following four methods are available for Ledger Access Control:

Each of the above can be used individually or in combination.

Applications of the Workgroup Type cannot use anything other than the Change Table as detailed in Workgroup Type.

Ledger Mask

If you want to prohibit writing to specific cells in a ledger, regardless of the user’s duties or organizational affiliation, use the "Ledger Mask".

  • Ledger Mask can only restrict data writing. Reading is not restricted.

  • Within an application, there is only one Ledger Mask.

  • The Ledger Mask is applied uniformly to all "Participants".

Access Permission Type

If you want to flexibly control the range of ledger cells that users can access, based on their duties and organization, use the "Access Permission Type".

  • Access Permission Type allows you to set both reading permission conditions and writing permission conditions.

  • An application can have any number of Access Permission Types.

  • Access Permission Types are assigned to "Participants".

Distinguishing between Ledger Mask and Access Permission Type

Ledger Masks are used to prohibit the entry of data that is not considered valid from a business standpoint.

In ledgers that contain department-specific expense data, you may want to limit the cells that can be entered based on combinations of department types and accounts. For example, combinations of the manufacturing department and general administrative expenses may be prohibited from entry.[1]

On the other hand, Access Permission Types are used to limit users' data access rights based on the departments they belong to and their duties.

You may want to allow certain departments to only view their own department’s data, while giving other departments the authority to view and update data for specific business divisions. Access Permission Types are suitable for such access control.

Change Table

The Change Table is provided for the limited purpose of controlling the permissibility of cell entries based on combinations of balance account items and change items. For example, if a change item "Sale" is set up, combining it with the account item "Loans" makes no sense. Therefore, this combination should be prohibited from entry. Although it is possible to control entry using the Ledger Mask, using the Change Table is simpler.

  • The Change Table can only restrict data writing. Reading is not restricted.

  • Within an application, any number of Change Tables can be registered.

  • Entry restrictions by the Change Table are uniformly applied to all "Participants".

Ledger Open/Close

The "Ledger Open/Close" feature can be used to protect entered ledger data.

With this feature, you can specify a period range for each scenario, allowing data entry and modification (opening). Data belonging to periods outside the specified range will be in a non-changeable (closed) state.

1. Note that the "department" in question here refers to the department of the data being entered, not the department to which the entering user belongs. It is assumed that even if the person in charge belongs to the general administration department or the manufacturing department, they are not allowed to enter data for general administrative expenses for the manufacturing department.