This manual is in pilot operation.

The full-featured form provides a function for "period allocation," such as distributing annual input values monthly.

How to Use

In the "Default Settings" of the full-featured form, check "Enable period allocation processing" in the "Period Allocation Processing" section, and specify the number of decimal places for the distributed values in the "Decimal Places" field.


Trigger for Execution

Period allocation processing is executed when data in a cell (hereinafter referred to as trigger cell), whose view is "by period," is changed.

Destination Cells for Distribution

The target cells for distribution must be inputtable[1] within the form, have the same keys as the trigger cell except for the relative period, and the relative period must be included in the relative period of the trigger cell. For example, if using a period table consisting of year - 2 halves - 4 quarters - 12 months (hereinafter the same), when changing the value for the second half, the values for the 3rd quarter, 4th quarter, and months 7 to 12 could be potential distribution targets.

Calculation of Distribution Amount

The distribution amount for each destination cell is calculated as follows:

  1. The change difference is first provisionally distributed to all the smallest relative periods (i.e., provisional distribution target minimum periods) that are open, between the one closest to the beginning of the period and the one closest to the end of the period under the relative period of the distribution target cells and the trigger cell’s relative period.

  2. In the provisional distribution calculation, if the total value of the provisional distribution target minimum periods before distribution is zero, the change difference is evenly divided among each minimum period. Otherwise, the change difference is evenly divided among each minimum period according to the monetary ratio of the provisional distribution target minimum periods. The provisional post-distribution value for the provisional distribution target minimum periods is the sum of their pre-change value plus the change difference distributed according to the above calculation.

  3. Based on the provisional post-distribution values for the minimum periods, the actual distribution values for each destination cell are calculated. In this calculation, higher periods are prioritized. For example, if only the 3rd quarter and July and September are destination cells, September will bear the adjustment of the change difference calculated in step 2, including the amounts for August and September. This is because August cannot be distributed in the change difference as it is not editable on the form screen, while the amount for the 3rd quarter must include the distribution amount for August.

  4. Rounding adjustments are made at the end of the above calculations, at the lowest period at the end of each relative period. Higher relative periods are prioritized even in rounding adjustments.

1. Even if cells are "protected" through cell or column/row specifications, if they are inputtable under other conditions, they are not considered protected in the distribution process and can be distribution targets. However, values in such cells will not be reflected in the ledger when saving data on the form screen, which may lead to unintended results.