Labels and Names

Designer Administrator
This manual is in pilot operation.


For Design Objects and Administration Objects, it is required to attach a "Label" for identification. A label is a generalization of codes used for identification, such as "Account Code" and "Product Code".

An application, which is one of the design objects, must have a unique label within the system. That is, within a single system, you cannot have multiple applications with the same label.

Each object contained in an application also requires a label.

Uniqueness of Labels

In many cases, an object’s label must be unique within the application, but the following are exceptions:

Object Scope of Label Uniqueness

Objects contained in a Dimension
(Members, Properties, Member Lists)

Unique within the Dimension

Property Value Definitions

Unique within the Property

Labels must be within 20 characters and can include the following types of characters:

  • Uppercase alphabetic characters[1]

  • Numerals

  • Symbols[2]

However, for custom dimension labels, special characters other than "`` (sharp)" and "`` (underscore)" are not allowed[3].

Furthermore, from version 11.0 onwards, except for Fiscal Years, Relative Periods, Scenarios, and Views, it is possible to register label conventions for Template Members for each dimension through Template Member Label Constraints.


In addition to labels, applications, design objects, and administration objects are required to have a "Name" that is easy for users to understand. Names can be given in multiple languages. The length is up to 100 characters, regardless of whether they are full-width or half-width characters. There are some characters that cannot be used in names (such as some rare kanji used in personal names).

1. In places where labels can be specified, lowercase letters can be used, but lowercase letters are interpreted as uppercase.
2. Excluding " (space)", ",", and "'" (quotes). Also, labels starting with # are reserved for special purposes and cannot be used for user-registered objects. For example, the label for the Account Dimension is automatically assigned by the system, and its value is determined as #ACCOUNT.
3. Dimension labels may be used as part of the "name" of the cell range for passing parameter values to Excel when using Package Input Excel Files in the business process management function. Since Excel range names cannot use symbols other than "`` (underscore)", such restrictions are in place. If a dimension label containing "`` (sharp)" is used as the "name" of a cell range, "`#` (sharp)" is replaced with "`.` (period)" (#ACCOUNT and other system dimension labels starting with sharp are also replaced with a period).